Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bad politicians are sent to Washington...

"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."
- William E. Simon

In an election, it does not matter if the voter is good or bad unless one nominee is inherently evil and the other good, the evil citizens voting evilly and the good citizens voting goodly. In reality, the nominees aren't rival characters, one good, one evil, in a mass paperback fantasy novel.
You could look at it this way: bad people who don't vote are as much to blame as good people who don't vote... But lack of voting is not the problem. The problem is either that all politicians are bad (at least to somebody) or that idiots vote.

These new and revised quotes: (pick one)

1. Bad politicians are sent to Washington by idiots who vote.
2. All politicians are sent to Washington by idiots who vote.

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