Friday, July 10, 2009

You never change things by...

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
- Buckminster Fuller

A new model for reality that involves a huge change will never be accepted by the people. But a gradual change could be accepted. So instead, break your superior 'new model' into tiny pieces that can be gradually peppered over the existing reality. One grain, one component of your new model will make one small piece of the existing reality obsolete at a time. Ideally for you, this will continue until there is nothing left of the previous reality. It's obvious that this plan is not as swift as a single drastic change but the chance of a single drastic change succeeding is unlikely because it appears radical compared to the current reality and because it is usually presented by a small group of supporters (after all, all things start small). Therefore, unappealing to the average person.

The tortoise wins the race, not necessarily because he thought things through but because he gradually made his way, appeared wise, and did not show himself to be a risk taker.

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